The Trail Of Painted Ponies BBB Business Review

Ask The Trailmaster

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Here are answers to the commonly asked questions about where to resell Painted Ponies, and what their current value is:

When collectors choose to resell their Painted Ponies, we recommend doing so on eBay. There is also a Facebook group, which was set up by Painted Ponies collectors and is not monitored by The Trail of Painted Corporate Office, where you can offer your Painted Ponies for sale. Here is a link to that Facebook group:

To find the current perceived value of your Painted Ponies, we suggest searching on eBay for the same figurine with a similar edition number. If you have an eBay account, you can look up what that particular figurine has sold for recently, and that will give you an even more accurate perceived value. 


Carole Zabloudil from Florida wrote on July 19, 2020:
I have a Pre-E War Pony. What is its value?
Response From Trailmaster:
It's hard to give you a value today, because it depends on how badly a serious collector will want to add this Pony their collection. What I can say is that several years ago the resale of a pre-E War Pony went for $1,400.

Michelle Trissell from Oklahoma wrote on July 18, 2020:
Is there anyway to replace the heavenly pony? My stepmom, who got it from my dad before he passed away, gave this pony to my daughter and it got knocked down and broken. My 7yo is devastated as she never got to know her grandpa.
Response From Trailmaster:
So sorry to hear this. I wish we could say we could replace "Heavenly Pony" but it was retired long ago and we don't keep replacements for long. Your best bet is to look on eBay or on the Facebook page that has been set up by collectors to sell their Ponies.

Jan Stanley from Newton, IA wrote on July 12, 2020:
I have a large collection of Painted Ponies around 200+ that I would like to sell together if I could. Several retired and some rare ponies. Several series 1 and series 2. Would you have any recommendations of who I could contact that might be interested? Thank you.
Response From Trailmaster:
We are aware of several Facebook pages where collectors are advertising large collections like yours for sale. You may want to check there. Since you have such an extensive collection, you should probably be prepared for collectors who may want individual pieces rather than the entire collection. Good luck.

Cash M. Turjin from Denver, CO wrote on July 12, 2020:
When will the Paint your own Ponies kits become availible again?
Response From Trailmaster:
I'm going to be honest with you about the Paint Your Own Pony kits. We would love to bring them back, but the economic conditions in Asia have changed dramatically in recent times, and the cost of producing these kits has gone up so much that we are now looking for alternative places where they can be reasonably produced. We hope this will happen before the upcoming Holidays.

Lauren from Upstate New York wrote on July 11, 2020:
My painted pony (Heavenly Pony 5E/2948) has a small drilled hole under its chest, beside its left front leg. Is this part of the manufacturing process, or later damage?
Response From Trailmaster:
At this point (Heavenly Pony was retired over a decade ago), and without actually inspecting the hole, it would be hard to tell. My sense is that if it were "damaged," more would show than a small drilled hole.

Melissa Brown from WA wrote on July 10, 2020:
I have a pony, renewal of life, the number on the bottom is 42/3350, what does that mean?
Response From Trailmaster:
The numbers on the bottom of the Ponies refer to their casting order, but there were not 42 editions of "Renewal of Life." So it must be a numbering error, which sosmetimes happened.

Joan from Kansas wrote on July 10, 2020:
How to paint a pony and get it entered. I saw a statue of a beautiful painted horse and trying to get the person to get to you folks
Response From Trailmaster:
Bring it on. We are always looking for new ways of painting horses.

Brenda Smith from Alabama wrote on July 09, 2020:
On your registry, Big Ben Last Number At Retirement shows as 1/2336. I see one online that has an edition number of 1E/2440. Can you verify the last one made?
Response From Trailmaster:
The correct last number for Big Ben is 2336. The other number is either an error or is being incorrectly reported.

Beverly Baxter from Winter Park, Fl wrote on June 28, 2020:
I recently moved and some of my painted ponies got broken. What glue can I use to fix them?
Response From Trailmaster:
Any quality superglue should work.

Brenda Smith from Guntersville AL wrote on June 24, 2020:
One of my boxes has come apart on one side. What glue would you recommend to fix it, and will that lower the value more than leaving it as it is now in your opinion?
Response From Trailmaster:
I would recommend fixing it and any super glue should do the job. Done neatly, this should not negatively impact the value.